Monday, October 25, 2010

Schoenberg in Pieces by JW

After a fragment by JKD and Schoenberg Variations by JW.

Does that bread not exist? Perform one bow
which cannot exist. Which does not fire.

One that can perform bows triangulated
can exist outside. One which leaves and bows
does not not perform that.

The sachel which does not exist
cannot perform the bow that does exist.

Which carrion cannot perform stitched?
Not one. And which stitched cases cannot bow?
Not one stitched case cannot perform bows.

Does reaping that which exists stitched
not perform that which cannot bow?

Does one exist which takes no bows?

Perform. One cannot take flight.

A fragment by JKD

after Sue Chenette

Bread bow fire
triangulated outside leaves
the sachel
the space
carrions and cases
reaping stitched

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New: Schoenberg Variations by JW

"One cannot perform that which does not exist"

Does that not exist? Perform one which cannot
exist. Which does not. One that can perform
that can exist. One which does not not perform
that which does not exist cannot perform one

that does exist. Which cannot perform? Not one.
Not one cannot perform. Does that which exists
not perform that which cannot? Does one exist
which does that? Perform. One cannot not exist.

Monday, October 11, 2010


by Sue Chenette after gv, AD, JKD, & BBB

What do I know?
Kneeling in these pages
minstrelsy of crossings
bred bun bow fire
half triangulated
while outside
wind-shuffled leaves

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


by gv after AD,JKD & BBB

know what?
I am in my pages
kneeling of being
crossing minute situations
my knees buzz
