By geova, After Sean S’s pantalooz
dear wacky
yellow plastic’s
so full
so much
viewers get lost
in a second
like trousers across the globe
too flippin fast
who walks into a horse bar?
why? he says
doc’s doing my family
AFTER-WORDS : Response : imitation : riff : homage : voices in dialogue : lines spidering between authors : letterspace : connectors : weavings : sound-offs : TEXTUAL PING-PONG
By geova, After Sean S’s pantalooz
dear wacky
yellow plastic’s
so full
so much
viewers get lost
in a second
like trousers across the globe
too flippin fast
who walks into a horse bar?
why? he says
doc’s doing my family
Oh dear. Myhair'shairs unwashed.
Why I can't just DO a thing
I must addition cost.Your portmandoollarloondoubleaux
O wacky neotropes
O Shakespeherian
Zoo spending has increased a yellow
fog on our checkbooks and plastic
Ourplasbooks, our maze, the mayzoo, zoonpants pantlaps, pantflaps,zoopantsarghsonovaon our wheres, ou wheres we do not know.
Congratulations, it's a clown!
I am
excitedand yoghurtno, and yoghurt, yes!
so much. so full.
so full. so much.
Viewers, Middle America, fellow tax evaders, this race is tighter than Charo's pants.
You'd get lost down there(I have (this was not parenparenthetical, but this is, mea culpa)
forget to come upThat'sfor air.
That's no moon! That's a space station in pinstripes.
Let's get forrealz for a second.
The fact is thatwe're still stuck with Kan
the last 2000yrs have been nothing but an oscillation
(let's see 20, 18 19, y3s) a stiff wind,
we are returning between two poles.
Yes, the north and the south! And now they are flipping likepants.trousers!
across thte entire globe. the globe, yo.
pretty soon they will be flipping too flippin fast to see them, that's how fast
this race is.
Knock knock.
A hoarse walks into a bar.
A horse walks into a bar who?
The bartender says, Why the long face?, and he says, I caught this drinking problem from
my doctor and it's destroying my family.No goddammit, wait a second