Thursday, August 27, 2009

What Was Offered by Sue Chenette

after "check this box" and "very yes very no" by Lisa Pasold; "Zerochre Zerochrome" by Sean S. and "A mite giddy on-egging" and "On" by Gvance
Under the gift wrap, no watered silk,
but raploch wool,
wound round a doll with stone for a head.
What was offered.
She wove it a grass placemat,
drew circles of moisture at its mouth,
mothered it until
light pushed into the bones.
It taught her mineral memory --
a hard nut meat almost Macadamian --
and to keep the vertebrae perishably
but tightly upright
daring a skating trick
on the oilstained woodplank floor.

1 comment:

Jennifer K Dick said...

I adored so many of the words in here, and found the poem's title resonant. Bises, J