Tuesday, October 30, 2007

After "While You Were Out an Old Man/Woman Came and Replaced You (After "Stainless Sunset with Interesting Water Loop" by M. Noteboom") by A. Deutch

Imagine Laid with Ceremony
by Brandon Shimoda

In the morning

echelon as clouds
do buildings echelon as clouds do

bonelets form       in morning
move white dust

as hands as hands
all feathers wake as
clouds confectionary burns

bonelets form              scab green mouths

the clouds of the chorus
embraces white photos in the wide window

shake another face
speaks the clouds of the chorus
embraces white photos on the wide walls

shake the noh mask
haggles over confectionary        was

it you
were out an old man in a noh mask
breaks the thick glass shakes        was

it you
were a woman came and replaced the
flowers with a conversation
lapsed in artifact

pink, little thief
bonelets coming through the photos coming
through the windows

the walls shake
each flower
swallows the building it sounds like
one or more than
three                photos

in succession
hand over mouth hand over
mouth hand over mouth

the choral inflammation
echelons as clouds do
you imagine laid with ceremony

the particles still
or float her

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